
Manufacturing is no stranger to environmental contamination. EnviroForensics provides environmental solutions tailored to an individual’s facts and circumstances.
Despite excellent environmental compliance in recent years, the manufacturing industry is still subject to frequent and often dramatic environmental losses that can negatively impact an organization’s capital position relative to its risk retention strategy. We provide environmental services and hazardous material management to ensure environmental compliance.
Many historical manufacturing operations with degreasing and metal finishing used chlorinated solvents and heavy metals like trichloroethylene (TCE) and chromium, which may have migrated into the soil and groundwater. The need to address the environmental contamination may be associated with bank refinancing, a property transaction, regulatory action, or the desire to not burden the family with environmental liabilities. We’ve performed thousands of environmental site assessments and remediations. We quickly characterize the extent of the problem and implement corrective measures.
We specialize in both fixing the environmental issues and in locating and leveraging the funding necessary to clean up. We have successfully used our clients’ historical insurance policies to pay for site investigation, cleanups, and legal fees.
I was introduced to EnviroForensics when they were retained by our local counsel and upon approval of our insurer to address an environmental cleanup of subsurface chlorinated solvents and install a system to mitigate vapors. They dealt with a complex problem efficiently and within budget. I was very impressed. I had another site where we had been cleaning up chromium contaminated groundwater for nearly 30 years. I decided to change direction and brought EnviroForensics in to evaluate the cleanup activities and progress. EnviroForensics implemented a new cleanup strategy that has already shown a significant reduction of the contamination. I could not be more pleased with EnviroForensics’ technical capabilities, effective communications with all project stakeholders, attention to established budgets, and ability to implement remedial measures while minimizing disruption to current site manufacturing operations.