EnviroForensics attended the Indiana Association of Environmental Professionals (INAEP) 3rd Quarter Meeting at the Nature Conservancy on Wednesday, August 19, 2015. Attendees included environmental consultants, educators and environmental advocates. A representative of the Indiana Wildlife Federation spoke about preserving Indiana’s wildlife and its habitat, a topic that is important to EnviroForensics as we assist our clients by cleaning up releases of hazardous chemicals to the environment.
INAEP is a not for profit association with a membership consisting of environmental professionals in Indiana who are dedicated to the advancement of this field. The organization promotes professional development through networking activities and quarterly meetings such as this one. Quarterly meetings are typically held in February, May, August, and November. In addition to discussions regarding organization business, these meetings usually include a keynote speaker such as this quarter’s speaker from the Indiana Wildlife Federation.
The Indiana Wildlife Federation (IWF) is a non-profit organization of individuals and Indiana conservation clubs and organizations dedicated to the conservation and sustainable use of Indiana’s natural resources. An affiliate of the National Wildlife Federation, IWF promotes responsible use of these resources through educational programs such as National Wildlife Week and the Backyard Wildlife Habitat.
Conservation of our state’s natural resources is important to EnviroForensics. We want to remember wildlife and their habitats may be affected as a result of our environmental remediation work, and we want to ensure that we practice sustainable use of our renewable resources.